SMUD asks customers to take safety precautions before digging

Whether planting a tree, building a deck, putting in a pool or putting up a new fence, be sure to include an important safety step prior to starting the job.

Call Underground Service Alert North 811 (USA) a minimum of two business days before beginning to dig to find out if there are any dangerous underground utilities such as power lines in the area. This is a free service.

Whether you are doing the job yourself or hiring a professional, smart and safe digging means calling 811 or 800-227-2600 or visiting to request a utility-locate before each job. The notification is valid for 28 days, so if the excavation project goes beyond this timeframe, notify USA North 811 again.

SMUD and other area utilities such as gas, water, and cable television will be contacted to determine whether they have underground facilities, and if so, the locations will be marked at the excavation site. Underground utility lines are not always located in the street; some utilities may be located in backyard easements. Digging into an underground electrical line can cause power outages and personal injury or death.

Be aware, it is the law to notify USA North 811 before you dig. Besides the legal requirement, it’s the way to stay safe and avoid financial and legal responsibility for repairs and/or injuries.

For more information, visit the SMUD website.

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