Empowering high school students to make a difference in the world.

Sacramento, CA, June 29, 2016 — Safety Center creates a Youth Advisory Council (YAC) with funding from The Allstate Foundation to raise awareness around teen safe driving issues. YAC members will plan and help out with events like the Teen Safe Driving Day at Safetyville on September 17, 2016 and an event to bring together youth in a year-end celebration in April during National Distracted Driver Awareness Month. YAC will be a resource for youth-led peer-to-peer campaigns focused on reducing distracted behaviors along with the Safety Center.

The Safety Center with funding in its fifth year from The Allstate Foundation has successfully ended the Teen-to-Teen Safe Driving Campaigns in California for the 2015/2016 school year with schools throughout California earning money for their clubs and making a difference in their communities. During the month-long campaigns, student leaders created positive safe driving messages and planned activities to engage their peers, parents and their communities. Winning schools conducted pre- and post-campaign surveys to measure their effectiveness in making traffic safety a priority for teen drivers and passengers.

Serrano High School in Phelan, California which was the Grand Prize winner for the Southern California region hosted Tailgate Parties at football games outreaching to parents and students with distracted driver information, held student/faculty activities bringing awareness to the school including Administration, reached out to their local Youth Group at High Desert Church bringing awareness to hundreds of their peers, held interviews promoting their goals in the Mountain Progress Newspaper and connected with their School Board with news of their peer-led Teen Safe Driving contest.

YAC participants in California will have an opportunity to influence others by establishing a diverse volunteer body to oversee this project and other programs with their peers. Meetings will be held every first Thursday of the month (Skype in meeting, phone conference call) with students all over California. Meetings will include educational curriculum and volunteer experiences to increase the capacity of individual members to develop, lead, and participate in youth-led empowerment projects.

For More Information:
Email Gail, call 916.438.3381 or visit www.safetycenter.org

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