Bob Lapidus, CSP, CSMS

Everyone who chooses to be in the field of safety has chosen to be a life protector.  We are the people who seek to prevent accidental loss, who want the best for everyone, who see all people as special, to be upheld to live a productive life, free from harm.

Our personal life’s legacies should be etched with the precious words of life-giving preeminence.  Our written policies, procedures, and programs plus our training efforts, speeches and one-on-one dialogues should lift up and proclaim the essence of life.

We know what causes accidents and injuries.  There is no reason to re-create the wheel.  The safety management profession has been around for decades.  We have codes, standards, regulations, rules, and a plethora of procedures on how to do each task in a safe manner.  There are new pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) and new operational equipment with safety devices built into them being invented all the time.

Yet we read accounts of the same kind of accidents happening over and over again.  Our safety publications list deaths from the same causes we have known about seemingly forever.

We sometimes dismiss the foundational reasons why people choose not to follow established safety procedures, not to wear the correct PPE, not to stay focused on the task at hand.

What will be your legacy?  Will you harness the power of proactive safety efforts to get people to do what needs to be done in a safe manner?  Will you coordinate your efforts with everyone with whom you come into contact to mitigate risks for the purpose of achieving an accident-free environment?  May it be so . . .


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For More Information:

Go to for more information about Safety Center’s Safety Management Specialist Certificate.

After completing this nine-day program, graduates may take the exam to achieve the Certified Safety Management Specialist (CSMS) designation. Recipients of the CSMS receive a beautiful plaque and become part of an elite group of safety specialists who have achieved this recognition.  Once this certification is attained, successful candidates keep it for the rest of their lives without any additional requirements or fees.

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