Annual Goal Setting

By Bob Lapidus, CSP (Retired), CSMS In the field of safety, we often establish goals. What are our plans for the coming year?   Typically, there are two types of goals: Loss Results or Trailing Indicators (our organization’s loss results – hopefully none)...

The Psychology of Safety – Taking Risks

By Bob Lapidus, CSP (Retired), CSMS There is a psychology to safety that most of us know exists, but maybe we don’t discuss it as such.  It comes in a variety of ways, one of which is taking risks. Think about taking risks.  Think about yourself.  It’s actually easier...

Getting Buy In for Safety

 By Bob Lapidus, CSP (Retired), CSMS You have just been hired to create and implement a comprehensive safety program for an organization.  What do you do?   1. Take it easy; don’t be in a rush. 2. Find out management’s expectations of you and your function.  Such...